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Welcome !  Witajcie !

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Elephant Never Forgets-Slon nie zapomni- Слон никогда не забывает !

Life on Earth is not easy for humans and animals
  getting in fact worse then before.
Each of us has some good days and some bad,
even very bad days as well...
I believe that our memory plays an important role here.
With good memory ,
would be rather harder to forget
some unpleasant moments, people, events...
While poor memory could be a blessing
providing somehow foggy pictures of unpleasant
past events undermining it's importance.
The Elephants who are known to have well working
memory, might simply remember 
( despite if they wish or not )
past moments, months, years better then we realize
The big outbursts of elephant anger had been noticed in the past
and it had happened twice this week again..

Zycie na Ziemi jest nielatwe dla ludzi i zwierzat,
Nasza codziennosc sprawia,
 ze  mamy w zyciu wiele powodow na dobtre
a takze i zle dni....
Swiecie wierze, iz pamiec odgrywa tu wielka role.
Majac dobra pamiec, byloby raczej trudniej
zapomnie nieprzyjemne ;
momenty, ludzi jak i same wydarzenia...
Natomiast zla , lub gorsza pamiec,
zaopatrza nas w janies mgliste czesciowe
fragmenty nieprzyjemnych zdarzen,
nadajac im mniej wazne uczuciowe zabarwienie.

Wielkie wybuchy gniewu u sloni sa powszechnie znane,
podobnie jak ich wyjatkowa pamiec.
W ubieglym tygodniu twokrotnie zanotowano
sytuacje , w krorych slonie ukazaly ponad wszelka
watpliwosc swoje niezadowolenie...

First video clip was made in Africa with some 
American politicians participating
during safari:

Nest clip is from South India made during  festival
 when an elephant was much angrier

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