W ubiegly piatek mialam przyjemnosc uczestniczenia
w naszej pierwszej tegorocznej majowce.
Pogoda byla fantastyczna;
sloneczko, chmureczki i delikatny wiatereczek.
Poniewaz zblizala sie pora lunch'u,
rozlozylysmy koc na trawie, wyciagajac z koszyka
zrolowane kanapki z libanskiego chleba
z avocadowym maslem ,salata, szynka toskanska,
serem i greckim majonezem - ciciki.
Po lunch'u postanowilysmy obejrzec cudownie
kwitnace drzewa, krzewy i kwiaty.
W tym czasie bylo juz nad jeziorem bardzo wielu
Ottawian z rodzinami i jeszcze wiecej turystow.
W centralnym punkcie parku przygotowane byly
kawiarenki na swiezym powietrzu, tudziez
kioski z lemoniada, hotdogami, kielbaskami z rozna
pieczonymi kurczakami, lodami
no i przede wszystkim smazalnie BEAVER TAILS
( ogonami bobrowymi - tzn. podluznymi plackami
smazonymi (jak paczki ) w oleju,
obsypane cukrem cynamonowym z cytryna,
lub maslem czekoladowo-orzechowym itp.
Na wszystkich ottawskich festiwalach
nigdy jeszcze nie zabraklo BEAVER TAILS !!!
Na wszystkich ottawskich festiwalach
nigdy jeszcze nie zabraklo BEAVER TAILS !!!
Bez wiekszego namyslu ustawilysmy sie w kolejce
i po kilku minutach kazda z nas otrzymala
ulubiony i upragniony deser
- bever tail z cukrem cynamonowym
i kropelkami cytryny.
Reszte majowki spedzilismy siedzac nad samym jeziorem.
Odnosilo sie wrazenie, ze wszyscy ktorzy w tym dniu mieli
wolny czas i rower pojawili sie nad jeziorem.
Na jeziorze podobna sytuacja, wiele osob w lodkach i jachtach,
a turysci w wycieczkowcach plyneli kanalem
z Parlamentu do przystami na jeziorze.
Po wodzie plynely rowniez stadka dzikich kaczek
bioracy udzial w tzw. sezonie godowym.
Wrzaskliwe mewy przygladaly sie zalotom z gory.
z Parlamentu do przystami na jeziorze.
Po wodzie plynely rowniez stadka dzikich kaczek
bioracy udzial w tzw. sezonie godowym.
Wrzaskliwe mewy przygladaly sie zalotom z gory.
Nasz wspamialy dzien zakonczyl sie na przystani w kawiarni.
Przy kawie opowiadalysmy swoje nostalgiczne wspomnienia;
Connie o Irlandii, Majeet o Indiach, a ja oczywiscie o Polsce....
Just last Friday I've had an opportunity
to participate in the very first picnic this year.
We have chosen Ottawa Dow's Lake for this event.
The weather was FANTASTIC;
sunshine, small clouds and a calm wind.
As the time for lunch drew near, me and my 2 friends:
Connie and Manjeet were unfolding the blanket and getting our food
out of the basket. I've prepared some pita bread sandwiches with:
avocado spread, lettuce, toscany ham, cheese and Greek tzitziki.
After the delicious lunch we decided to see the nearby park.
The trees, bushes and flowers had colorful and fragrant blooms.
By that time very many Ottawa residents had shown up
with their families and even more tourists as well.
Connie and Manjeet were admiring the park while I was
making the pictures for the Slideshow below.
A lovely dinning area was set up in the center of the park
All around us we saw food and refreshment stands.
At the very end we've noticed our favorite -
Beaver Tails Stand...
No festival in Ottawa can go without them !
Almost immediately we took our place in line
and within a few minutes our Beaver Tails were ready !!!
The dessert feast ended with strawberries and grapes.
The next part of our picnic we spent sitting by the lake
and relaxing.
I had an impression that everybody who was free at that time
and had a bike, was cycling by.
The surrounding lake was so full of activity,
Just last Friday I've had an opportunity
to participate in the very first picnic this year.
We have chosen Ottawa Dow's Lake for this event.
The weather was FANTASTIC;
sunshine, small clouds and a calm wind.
As the time for lunch drew near, me and my 2 friends:
Connie and Manjeet were unfolding the blanket and getting our food
out of the basket. I've prepared some pita bread sandwiches with:
avocado spread, lettuce, toscany ham, cheese and Greek tzitziki.
After the delicious lunch we decided to see the nearby park.
The trees, bushes and flowers had colorful and fragrant blooms.
By that time very many Ottawa residents had shown up
with their families and even more tourists as well.
Connie and Manjeet were admiring the park while I was
making the pictures for the Slideshow below.
A lovely dinning area was set up in the center of the park
All around us we saw food and refreshment stands.
At the very end we've noticed our favorite -
Beaver Tails Stand...
No festival in Ottawa can go without them !
Almost immediately we took our place in line
and within a few minutes our Beaver Tails were ready !!!
The dessert feast ended with strawberries and grapes.
The next part of our picnic we spent sitting by the lake
and relaxing.
I had an impression that everybody who was free at that time
and had a bike, was cycling by.
The surrounding lake was so full of activity,
from people boating to others on canoes, pedal boats and kayaks.
We've seen a few Tour Boats full of the tourists.
Our unforgettable day had ended at the harbor cafe.
Sipping coffee we felt nostalgic and took a trip down memory lane
telling stories about our homelands;
Ireland, India and Poland....
We've seen a few Tour Boats full of the tourists.
Our unforgettable day had ended at the harbor cafe.
Sipping coffee we felt nostalgic and took a trip down memory lane
telling stories about our homelands;
Ireland, India and Poland....
На Берегу Озера
В пятницу у нас был первый в этом году пикник
Это произходилось в Оттаве на берегу озера Долс.
Погода была прекрасная. Я приготовила обед для
меня и для моих 2 друзей-Конни и Манжиит.
После обеда мы решили идти к парку посотреть
красивые ароматные, цветущие деревъя и цветы.
Везде было много людей особенно туристов.
Мои друзъя восхищали парк который
был готов к встрече гостей.
Следующую часть нашего пикника мы сидели
на берегу озера и отдыхали.
Там мы видели много людей на велосипедах
и в лодках.
Наш незабываемный день зокончился в кафе
говани. - мы пили кофе и рассказывали истории
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